Defining Conflict: Introduction to Effective Conflict Management for Teens

Defining Conflict: Introduction to Effective Conflict Management for Teens

Title: Defining Conflict: Introduction to Effective Conflict Management for Teens

Description: Looking for an effective way to teach teens about conflict management? Look no further than Defining Conflict: Introduction to Effective Conflict Management for Teens. This workbook is designed to help teachers, parents, and guidance counselors teach teens define conflict and explore the impact it has on their lives.

This workbook is designed for use with teens in grades 6-12. It can be used as a stand-alone resource or in conjunction with other conflict management programs such as Life Skills Program.

It includes:

This teaching tool is designed to help teens explore their beliefs and attitudes about conflict. Students will respond to statements such as, “Conflict is avoidable.” The teacher, parent, facilitator, or counselor can use these statements as a starting point for discussion.

Defining what conflict is and how it affects people is a critical first step in helping students understand why conflict management skills are important.

Total Pages: 3 Pages