Empowerment Against Cyberbullying: Recognizing and Addressing Online Harassment

Empowerment Against Cyberbullying: Recognizing and Addressing Online Harassment

Title: Empowerment Against Cyberbullying: Recognizing and Addressing Online Harassment


Arm high school students with the power to stand up against cyberbullying through our 'Empowerment Against Cyberbullying Workbook.' This comprehensive life skills workbook is designed to equip individuals with the essential tools needed to recognize, confront, and combat cyberbullying effectively. Explore a wealth of knowledge, step-by-step instructions, and real-life examples, guiding you towards empowerment and creating a safer digital space. Join us in the fight against cyberbullying, empowering the youth to become advocates for a kinder and more respectful online community. Let's take a stand and cultivate a culture of empathy and support online. 

Total Pages: 14 Pages