Food Allergy Awareness Classroom Wall Poster / Door Sign

Food Allergy Awareness Classroom Wall Poster / Door Sign

Title: Food Allergy Awareness Classroom Wall Poster / Door Sign


What’s one thing that parents should be warned about before holding a birthday party? That’s right - food allergies. There are also lots of experiments and activities that involve food. Better warn your co-teachers about food that might cause allergic reactions to some of your students.

Let others be aware of food that might harm your students! You can use these pre-made posters as wall posters or door signs so that the students’ different allergies can be easily seen before on your classroom door. You can also encourage your students to get to know their classmates’ allergies so that they are aware that other foods are not allowed to be eaten by others. 

The set of posters features:

You can also pass around this poster and let your students know which food they are allergic to! This poster can be used in activities that promote self-awareness and empathy to others.

Total Pages: 8 Pages