Worksheet about Children with Disabilities/Building Friendships with PWDs

Worksheet about Children with Disabilities/Building Friendships with PWDs

Title: Worksheet about Children with Disabilities/Building Friendships with PWDs

Description: In this day and age, more and more learners with disabilities are being diagnosed, enrolled and included in school. As educators, we want to build an environment for them that is welcoming, without prejudice and accepting for our learners with special needs and it starts with teaching and molding our neurotypical learners to understand, love and accept them.

Train your kids to become compassionate, kind, and become a champion and advocate for your learners with special needs. This booklet is about teaching your learners to become a friend to a person with a hidden or visible disability. 

This package includes:

A 10-page worksheet that includes the following topics:

Empower your students through this workbook. Just print and distribute this to your students while doing one-on-one sessions with them, or even small group discussions.


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