Navigating Relationships: Understanding the Difference Between Lust and Love

Navigating Relationships: Understanding the Difference Between Lust and Love

Title: Navigating Relationships: Understanding the Difference Between Lust and Love


"Navigating Relationships: Understanding the Difference Between Lust and Love" is a transformative workbook crafted to guide teens through the intricacies of romantic relationships, empowering them to discern between the emotions of lust and love. This resource creates a secure environment for teens to delve into their feelings, comprehend healthy relationship dynamics, and make informed choices. With a focus on self-reflection, thoughtprovoking exercises, and practical guidance, this workbook aims to cultivate self-awareness, providing teens with invaluable insights to confidently navigate their romantic relationships with understanding and assurance. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and relationship enlightenment. 

Total Pages: 9 Pages