Navigating Setbacks: Dealing With Loss of Scholarships and College Acceptance

Navigating Setbacks: Dealing With Loss of Scholarships and College Acceptance

Title: Navigating Setbacks: Dealing with Loss of Scholarships and College Acceptance


"Navigating Setbacks: Dealing with Loss of Scholarships and College Acceptance" is an invaluable workbook created to assist teenagers in confronting the challenges of setbacks in their educational path. This empowering resource provides practical tools and emotional support to help teens navigate and cope with the disappointment of losing scholarships or college acceptance. Through self-reflection, resilience-building exercises, and positive coping strategies, this workbook fosters inner strength, perseverance, and cultivates a growth mindset, equipping teens to not only overcome setbacks but also to thrive and achieve success in their future educational endeavors. 

Total Pages: 10 Pages