Understanding PTSD and Trauma: A Workbook for kids, parents, and teachers 

Understanding PTSD and Trauma: A Workbook for kids, parents, and teachers

Title: Understanding PTSD and Trauma: A Workbook for kids, parents, and teachers

Description: This Coping with Pet Loss and Grief workbook is a supportive and healing resource for anyone who has experienced the pain of losing a beloved pet. The workbook includes adiscussion on the difficult experience of losing a pet, as well as coping strategies for managing grief and processing emotions. Through a series of exercises, readers will be guided to reflect on their own grief response, andmemories of their pet, and ultimately say goodbye through a heartfelt goodbye letter. The workbook ends with a positive statement, reminding readers that healing is possible and that the memories of their pet will always be cherished. This workbook is an essential resource for anyone experiencing the pain of pet loss and seeking support through the grieving process. This workbook provides a comprehensive guide to understanding PTSD and trauma for kids, parents, and teachers. With clear explanations, engaging activities, and practical strategies, this resource empowers children and their support network to navigate the challenges of PTSD and trauma together.

This workbook is designed for use with teens in grades 6-12. It can be used as a stand-alone resource or in conjunction with other discussions surrounding mental health and safety such as a Life Skills Program.

It includes:

This teaching tool is designed to help teens explore their beliefs and attitudes about PTSD. Students will respond to statements such as, “I am feeling anxious.” The teacher, parent, facilitator, or counselor can use these statements as a starting point for discussion.

Total Pages: 11 Pages