Affirmation: Self-Love, Self-esteem, & Friend Builder Workbook
Title: Affirmation: Self-Love, Self-esteem & Friend Builder
There are so many topics under affirmation of oneself. From self-love, self-esteem, friendships, communication, and personal space, this workbook got it all for you!
This workbook is jam-packed with 12 different interactive pages that let your students reflect on different areas about self. You choose whether to give all these pages to your students in one go or pick a worksheet that you students will answer for the day. It’s a self-help workbook, perfect for preteens and teens, to build their self-esteem and communication skills as they build their own ⭐️friendship village⭐️
This workbook includes:
Apology Letter Template- Apologizing To Myself
How To Communicate- Practices Listening and Summarizing Conversations.
Self Esteem Reference Worksheet- Validating Self-Worth
Friendship Worksheet- Jealousy and Different Friendships
Calming Skills Activity Worksheet- Ways to Cope when having Anxiety or Stress
Personal Space Worksheet- When To Give Friends Space
Shared Activity Worksheet- Activities that I can do with my Friends
Communication Calming Skills- How to communicate when Angry
Fair Fighting Rules- Ways to Talk and Fair Fight
Accepting Change- Listening to changes needed
Self Reflection Worksheet- Positive Words about Myself
Mantra Worksheet- Positive Daily Statement
Empower your students through this workbook. Just print and distribute this to your students while doing one-on-one sessions with them, or even small group discussions.
Total Pages: 14 Pages